Benefit from a Programme of Bespoke Support
Explore the different ways Early Excellence can help you drive forward innovation and improvement with specialist School Improvement Services, Bespoke Training and Consultancy to meet your schools individual development needs.
Early Excellence offer a comprehensive range of online and onsite training, tailored to need, and lead specialist school improvement services to support senior leaders at a strategic level.
With our expert knowledge of child development, pedagogy and practice coupled with an up to date picture of the national arena, inspection framework and the latest research, Early Excellence are uniquely placed to become an effective partner in helping drive forward innovation & improvement.
Explore our full range of bespoke services and gain expert guidance and inspirational training for EYFS and/or KS1 Teams along with professional dialogue, practical advice and support for Leaders & Headteachers including:
Strategic Leadership Support:
- Strategic Discussions to Guide School Improvement in EYFS & KS1
- Strategic Reviews to Evaluate Quality and Impact of EYFS & KS1
Bespoke Consultancy & Training:
- Bespoke Consultancy to drive forward improvements in EYFS & KS1
- Bespoke Training to Upskill EYFS & KS1 Leaders & Teams
- Bespoke Design Service to Plan & Equip EYFS & KS1 Classrooms
Our School Improvement Team welcome conversations with Independent & Maintained Schools, Multi-Academy Trusts , Teaching Alliances & Local Authorities wishing to drive forward innovation and change.
Hear from colleagues across England as they share their development stories and explore the impact of their investment in Early Years and the outcomes of their work to transform practice in EYFS and KS1.
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