Strengthening Practice in the Early Years
Early Excellence are delighted to be continuing our partnership with Frontier Education, Dubai. Once again, we will be running a series of free 45-minute webinars to support Early Years Teams with evaluating and developing their provision and practice.
Session 1: Exploring Early Years Principles and Practice
In this session we will update you on some of latest Early Years Education headlines from England, explore recent school case studies, and share examples of international research focused on developing high quality practice in the early years and beyond!
We will also be reflecting on Continuous Provision Planning, and we can ensure that all adults are able to unlock the potential of the Learning Environment through a deep of understanding of how each area can enrich and strengthen learning.
Session 2: Exploring SEND in the Early Years
At the heart of the EYFS lies the principle of the ‘Unique Child’ and how we need to value all children’s interests and understand their needs as a learner. This requires us as practitioners to ensure that we create environments that are truly accessible and inclusive to all. In this session, we will begin to explore how we can be the best possible learning partner for children with SEND, drawing on a range of examples of best practice.
Session 3: Exploring Learning Outdoors in the Early Years
In this session we will focus on the special, unique nature of the outdoors and consider why outdoor learning is such a vital part of young children’s experience. We will begin to explore how best to plan, organise and resource outdoors to encourage the widest range of opportunities. We will reflect on the adult role and reflect, enrich, deepen and challenge children’s experiences to maximise the potential of the outdoors learning.
Dates and Times
Spring 2025
Live Webinar Package (In Progress)
Session 1: Wednesday 26th February
Session 2: Tuesday 25th March
Session 3: Tuesday 22nd April
Time: 12:00pm UTC
Early Years Leaders and Teachers
Free - Register to attend this informative programme of CPD and gain access to all webinars and recordings.