Support for Teachers with Mixed Age Classes
How to Get the Balance Right for Everyone: A unique programme designed to support school leaders and teachers working with children in the EYFS and KS1 in the same class
This unique course has been designed to support school leaders and teachers working with children in the EYFS and KS1 in the same class. We will be examining the similarities and differences between these different ages and reflecting on the opportunities mixed age classes offer for us to provide experiences and teaching that truly matches where the child is on their journey of learning.
The course will look at effective methods of planning and provision for a wide range of ages, abilities, and interests; built upon a of philosophy and vision that views children together, regardless of age, as one class – as one learning community.
The programme covers:
Part 1: Theory and Principles
We start by encouraging you to explore your vision and ethos for your mixed aged classes. We will be exploring pedagogical approaches and reflecting on how young children learn.
Part 2: Principles into Practice
We then move on to explore a range of practical opportunities and challenges, including: developing a effective learning environment; timetables and routines; and strategies for teaching mixed age groups.
Part 3: Enriching Learning
We finish by exploring the development of Enquiry Based Learning as an inclusive approach to mixed age learning. We will also consider effective and meaningful approaches to documenting and assessing learning.
Establish a clear vision for mixed aged classes
Consider practical challenges and opportunities associated with mixed age classes
Explore ways of enriching the learning experiences in an inclusive, whole class way
Senior leaders and teachers working with EYFS/KS1 mixed age classes
Recording - £145 per person excl. VAT
Please note that our online training courses are priced per person and multiple viewings of a course will be charged.